Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sunday Service is not coming from God [by evidence]

I will tell you the origin of Sunday service throurgh the history of christianity.
No one can deny that Sunday Service is not coming from the Bible.
because the history prove this fact.

1) The Biblical Sabbath is Saturday, Not Sunday.
[ The faith of our fathers - Tan books and publishers, Inc.]
" Not to mention other examples, is not every Christian obliged to sanctify Sunday and to abstain on that day from unnecessary servile work? Is not the obsevance of this law among the most prominent of our sacred duties? But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Sciptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify."

2) Sunday was proclaimed as a day of rest and of worship in 321
[ The story of the christian church - Zondervan publishing house ]
" The first day of the week was proclaimed as a day of rest and of worship, and its observance soon became general throughout the empire. In 321 A.D. Constantine forbade the courts to be held on Sunday, except for the purpose of giving freedom to slaves; and on that day soldiers were commanded to omit their daily military exercises. But the public games were continued on Sunday, tending to make it more a holiday than a holy-day."

3) Sunday is the day of the Sun God
[ A Lion handbook / The history of christianity - Lion publishing Plc.]
" When in 321 Constantine made the first day of the week a holiday, he called it 'the venerable day of Sun'(Sunday)."

4) The Catholic church changed the Ten Commandment in the 5th Century
[ Catechism of the Catholic church - Libreria Editrice Vaticana ]
Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy [Pilo's Division]
→ Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day [St. Augustine's Division]

Thus, the Protestan churches, which branched out from the Gatholic Church, know well the historical fact that Sunday worship did not originate from the Bible. Nevertheles, they insist that the origin of Sunday observance is Biblical. A Catholic book entitled "The Faith of Millions" indicates that Sunday is a law of the Catolic Church alone and so it is unreasonable for Protestants to keep Sunday service, which is a Catolic institution, claiming to advocate a religious reformation by exposing the falsehood and errors of the Catholic Church.

5) "But since Saturday, not Sunday, is specified in the Bible, isn't it curious that non-Catolics who profess to take their religion directly from the Bible and not from the Church, observe Sunday instead of Saturday? Yes, of course, it is inconsistent; but this change was made about fifteen centuries before protestantism was born, and by that time the custom was universally observed. They [Protestants] have continued the custom, eventhough it rests upon the authority of the Catholic Church and not upon an explicit text in the Bible. That observance remains as a reminder of the Mother Church from which the non-Catholic sects broke away-like a boy running away from home but still carrying in his pocket a picture of his mother or a lock of her hair."

God is holy. He loves us; He spares no pains or sacrifice to save us.
God's command is the fruit of His great love for us, isn't it?
To reject His everlasting command is to deny God Himself.
I hope that you keep the Sabbath day as God commanded us for our salvation.

1 comment:

  1. Amen.
    Sabbath is Saturday. It`s God`s will.
    So, So, i go to the church every saturday. :D
