Sunday, April 18, 2010

E] Preach the Truth of Life to the Whole World.

The Council of Nicaea is very suggestive in many aspects.
Because of the intervention of Emperor Constantine, the Church of Rome came to have much stronger authority and started to exercise great influence over the churches.
If any church did not submit to the Roman Church that was supported by the power of the emperor, it was regarded as heretical and persecuted.
In this situation, the saints who tried to live according to God's word had to celebrate the Passover in secret, wandering in deserts, mountains and caves. However, as the Bible said, "The Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom" (Da 7:22), Christ-the Ancient of Days-came the second time and the truth of life which had been taken away by Satan was restored in its due time.

We have received the promise of eternal life through the Passover of the new covenant which God established.
God restored the Passover by sacrificing Himself even to the point of death.
It is because no one can receive the forgiveness of sins and salvation without the Passover.
Giving thanks for the grace of God who has restored the Passover through His sacrifice and love, we should preach this precious message of life more powerfully.

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